Indonesia Introduces Harimau Tanks at the Indo Defense 2022 Exhibition

Indonesia Introduces Harimau Tanks at the Indo Defense 2022 Exhibition
Indonesia Introduces Harimau Tanks at the Indo Defense 2022 Exhibition

Jakarta - For the first time, the production variant of the Harimau medium tank was presented by PT Pindad Indonesia to the public at the International Indo Defense 2022 defense exhibition which took place at JIExpo Kemayoran, Jakarta on 2-5 November.

As is known, Indonesia has agreed to acquire as many as 18 units of tanks that were jointly developed with the FNSS company at the IDEF2019 event in Turkiye. Meanwhile, the purchase contract was made on April 13 2019 in Bandung between the Indonesian Ministry of Defense and PT Pindad with a value of up to US$135 million.

Of the 18 tanks to be acquired in this first batch, 10 units will be produced from the FNSS facility, Turkiye. In this first serial production, it involves the participation of PT Pindad engineers and personnel from the end user, namely the Indonesian Army. Furthermore, the remaining eight will be produced at PT Pindad's factory facility in Kiaracondong, Bandung.

Regarding the specifications, the Harimau tank has a total length including the canon of 9.1 m. While the body alone is 6.9 m long, 3.3 m wide and 2.4 m high. The Harimau tank is equipped with a turret made by CMI, Belgium with a 105 mm HP (high pressure) Cockerill main gun. Secondary armament coaxial 7.62 mm machine gun.

The tank, weighing in the 32-35 ton range, is driven using a 711 hp Caterpillar C13 diesel engine and equipped with five Allison/Caterpillar X300 automatic transmissions. To operate the Harimau tank, a crew of three is needed, namely the commander, driver and weapons operator. The Tiger can run fast on a flat road with a maximum speed of up to 76 km/hour. Its range reaches 450 km.

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