New Breakthrough, China Will Have Fourth Generation Battle Tank with Two Crew, What's the Use?

New Breakthrough, China Will Have Fourth Generation Battle Tank with Two Crew, What's the Use?
New Breakthrough, China Will Have Fourth Generation Battle Tank with Two Crew

International Military - China is known to soon have a new fourth generation main battle tank. Interestingly, the new battle tank will probably have two crew members at once. This was announced by Chinese state television (CCTV) in mid-October.

In general, against the background of the "canvas" tank photo background and the same amount of information, China announced the news.

Quoted from Bulgarian Military, rumor has it that a crew of only two will operate the tank. This means a fully robotic turret and an automatic ammunition loading system. Some sources state that the Russian T-14 Armata tank inspired China.

This is because the new Chinese tanks will be mobile and fast. In today's tech race, that means lighter armor. Against the backdrop of what is happening in Ukraine, speed is a key factor, but light armor will not be able to save the tank from being attacked by anti-tank missiles.

Rumors also claim that the tank will have low fuel consumption. However, there is no information about what engine and with what power the tank will power, as well as details about the weapon system.

According to the Eurasian Times, of the two crew members on China's next-generation MBT, one will perform combat-related tasks, and the other will focus on driving. In 2019, China Ordnance Industry Corporation released a promotional video that gave a glimpse into the simulated cockpit of a two-seater main battle tank.

As per Chinese media reports in 2016, the design of the fourth generation tank will emphasize 'informatization.' This is known to be a piece that can feature optoelectronic equipment that will allow the tank to maintain the same level of operational capability day and night.

So far, China has not introduced a new type of battle tank. Currently, China only has Type 99 [Type 99A] and Type 96 tanks. The former is considered on par with the American Abrams and German Leopard tanks, while the latter is on par with the Russian T-80 tanks.

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