Putin says Russian Anti-Aircraft Forces Are Crushing Ukrainian Weapons Like Nuts

Putin says Russian Anti-Aircraft Forces Are Crushing Ukrainian Weapons Like Nuts
Russian President Vladimir Putin

International Military - Russian President Vladimir Putin said Russian anti-aircraft forces had shot many Western-supplied Ukrainian weapons and crushed them like nuts.

The comments came in brief excerpts from an interview broadcast on Saturday. RIA news agency, which first quoted the comments, quoted Putin as responding to a question about US-supplied Ukrainian weapons by saying Moscow handled it easily.

However, according to Reuters, the interview video due to be shown on Sunday (5/6/2022) makes it clear that Putin had in fact responded to a different question, which was not shown.

“Our anti-aircraft system crushed it like nuts. Dozens have been destroyed," Putin said. Although the type of weapon in question is unclear, Russia claims to have destroyed the planes and missiles deployed by Ukraine.

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